The concept of giving and blessing others is a core value at Atonement. Each collection is carefully considered to portray a different message, and therefore resulting in a different cause of action to our society and our world.
The Genesis collection is centred around sustainability, purpose, impact and our environment. With every aspect of the production phase aiming to reduce our carbon footprint, Atonement aims to be an eco-friendly organisation, every step of the way.
Showcasing the brands collection in a natural and rural setting, Atonement create a sense of urgency to depict the problems of the world today, representing climate change and threats to woodland, wildlife and the wider environment. The idea of tending and caring for our world is an integral point to the collection. With this in mind, the Atonement team have agreed upon supporting like-minded charities that aim to reduce pollution and sew into a safe climate, restoring balance to our world. Whether this be in association with climate coalitions, zero waste missions or even wildlife trusts, we aim to spread our support amongst the charities that care about our world as much as we do.
With every purchase generated from the Genesis capsule, we are giving away 10% of our profits to support sustainable and renewable awareness businesses.
Your support to our campaign, collection and brand is much appreciated. The charities supported & the result of your contribution towards this mission will soon be proudly announced on this page.
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