
IHS -  a monogram for the name of Jesus.  

The graphic of IHS represents power while also displaying beauty and grace. Atonement believes this graphic depicts the essence of Christ - his power but also his meekness - the Lion and the Lamb. 

The name of Jesus holds weight - it gives us power to take authority over every situation. 

Phillipians 2:9: Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.


IHS is an abbreviation of the name of Jesus written in Greek, I (iota) H (eta) S (sigma). It is often used in Christian imagery and symbolism. 

This inscription of IHS also in Latin came to stand for Jesus Saviour of Humankind. This is directly translated as Iesus (Jesus) Hominum (of humankind) Salvator (Saviour). 


Jesus died on the cross to give us grace so that we could have a relationship with God, whereby we no longer had to be perfect to enter his gates, but to come as we are , with all our problems and imperfections - as through Christ we are made new. 

The Atonement team believes this is such a powerful piece as it projects the name above all names, a name that when spoken has the power to overcome any situation. 

The name of Jesus has authority and through his sacrifice, we are given authority to speak over and defeat any situation we are in. Whether that be mental health , sickness and disease or whatever life throws at us. 


We see many times in the book of Acts, when the disciples spoke with authority in the name of Jesus , miracles happened - this power is the same today as when the disciples exercised this authority thousands of years ago.

Acts 3:6: Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”


This piece is a reminder that whatever situation you may be in - call on his name - Jesus.